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The Glowlight Rasbora (Trigonostigma hengeli), also known as the Lambchop Rasbora, is a strikingly beautiful nano fish that is very popular among aquarists due to its schooling behavior, peaceful disposition, and very small size.  This schooling fish can be the highlight in any peaceful community aquarium and it is a particular standout in the planted aquarium with dark substrate.

The Glowlight Rasbora typically occupies the top and middle level of the water column, although it can often be seen swimming and feeding in the middle and bottom levels as well.  It is safe with other peaceful, small fish.  This small rasbora can be housed with adult dwarf shrimp, although it might prey on shrimp fry.  Larger, peaceful invertebrates can also make good tankmates.  The Glowlight Rasbora must be kept in schools of 6 or more, although larger schools are more ideal. The schooling behavior of a large group of this fish is fascinating.  Its natural habitat typically has slow water flow and contains acidic water rich in tannins and leaf litter.  It requires very clean water to thrive and it will display optimal coloration and health in a planted aquarium with dark substrate, especially where floating plants are present.  This fish is exceptionally adaptable for a microrasbora.