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Discus Stop Eating And String White Poop

Publicado por Son Nguyen en

Discus fish are a popular choice for aquarium enthusiasts due to their vibrant colors and unique shape. However, they are also known for their sensitivity to changes in their environment, making them susceptible to various health issues. One such problem that discus owners often encounter is when their fish stop eating and start producing white stringy poop. This could be a sign of a discus fish bacteria infection, which requires immediate attention.

Understanding Discus Fish Behavior

Before diving into the specifics of the bacteria infection, it's crucial to understand the normal behavior of discus fish. These tropical freshwater fish are generally peaceful but can be quite picky eaters. They have specific dietary requirements that need to be met for them to stay healthy.

Under normal circumstances, discus fish produce dark-colored feces. If you notice a change in the color or consistency of their poop, particularly if it becomes white and stringy, it may indicate a health issue.

Discus Stop Eating: A Cause for Concern?

Discus fish can stop eating due to various reasons ranging from stress, poor water quality, inappropriate diet, or illness. While occasional fasting is not necessarily alarming, prolonged refusal to eat can lead to weight loss and other health complications.

If your discus has stopped eating and is showing other signs of distress like lethargy or unusual swimming patterns, it's time to investigate further. The presence of white stringy poop along with these symptoms could point towards a bacterial infection.

White String Poop: A Sign of Bacteria Infection?

One common cause behind white stringy poop in discus fish is an internal bacterial infection. This condition is often accompanied by loss of appetite and lethargic behavior. The bacteria infection could be due to poor water quality or exposure to infected fish or plants.

The bacteria can affect the digestive system of the discus, causing inflammation and damage. This leads to the production of white, stringy feces, which is basically undigested food passing through the fish's system.

Treating Discus with string white poop.

If you suspect your discus fish has a bacterial infection, it's crucial to act promptly. The first step is to isolate the sick fish from the rest of the tank to prevent the infection from spreading.

Next, you'll need to improve water conditions as poor water quality is often a contributing factor. Regularly test your aquarium water for ammonia, nitrite, nitrate levels and pH balance. Ensure that the temperature is kept stable within the range suitable for discus fish (between 82-86°F).

Medication is usually necessary to treat bacterial infections in discus fish. At Texas Aqua, We will check to find down which type of internal bacteria it is. But we recomend deworm the fish ans use medication such as praziquantel, levamisole. If you cannot buy these ingridients, you can use Prazipro or Expel-P. Use those to deworm, then mix metrodinazol with food to feed or put straight metro into the water if fish not eating. If fish has white poop but it is cause by worm then the medication we normaly use called tinidazole. However, it's crucial to consult with a vet or an aquarium professional before administering any medication. We use those medication base on our experience after many years in keeping and breeding without confirmed from a vet so it is up to you. 

Preventing Bacteria Infections in Discus Fish

Prevention is always better than cure when it comes to keeping your discus healthy. Here are some tips:

1. Maintain Water Quality: Regularly check and adjust your aquarium’s water parameters.
2. Balanced Diet: Provide a varied and balanced diet that meets their nutritional needs.
3. Quarantine New Additions: Always quarantine new fish or plants before introducing them into your main tank.
4. Regular Observation: Keep an eye on your discus' behavior and appearance for any signs of distress or illness.


Discus fish are beautiful creatures that require careful attention and care. If your discus stops eating and starts producing white stringy poop, don't ignore these signs as they could indicate a bacteria infection.

Remember that prompt action can make all the difference in treating bacterial infections in discus fish. By maintaining good water quality, providing a balanced diet, and observing regular quarantine practices, you can keep your discus fish healthy and happy.

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